Dear Visionary Woman,


Are you done feeling like you're one foot ALL in on your business and the other on the sidelines watching as others shine?


Do you feel like your talents and abilities are overlooked and you are somehow capping your business growth, no matter how much heart and soul you pour into your work?


I've been there, and I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you are on the cusp.


That's why I'm thrilled to introduce

Courage Codes...


The 3 Part Program To Step Up & Stand Out!


Shifting From Feeling Overlooked To Being Fully Booked


In just three transformative sessions, I'm going to share with you the keys, tools, and strategies that took me from feeling like I was showing up but not being SEEN to rising up to into my authority and highest leadership.


Imagine waking up every day with clarity and confidence, knowing that you are in high demand.


Envision yourself being recognized as a leader in your niche, with a calendar full of eager soul clients who value and seek your unique gifts.


Imagine the feeling of empowerment, knowing you're making a significant impact, sharing your skills, and changing lives to a whole new realm.


This isn't just a dream. It's entirely possible. And it begins with stepping into your courage.








Personal Empowerment: Discover the blocks that hold you back and learn how to shatter them.

Effective Strategies: Receive actionable steps to position yourself as a sought-after leader in your field.

Community Support: Engage with a community of like-minded women, all on a journey to elevate their presence and impact.

Real Results: The techniques you'll learn have been tried and tested, designed to bring tangible shifts in your life and business.

A Launchpad: Use this challenge as a powerful springboard into my certification program, a deeper dive into the world of embodied leadership.

As women, we have been conditioned in many ways to stay small, to keep quiet, to blend in.

But that's not our truth.

Within each of us lies a courageous leader waiting to be unveiled. A leader who doesn't wait for opportunities but creates them.

A leader who knows her infinite worth and isn't afraid to claim her space in the world.

It's time to stop hiding and holding back your magic (even if you've built a level of success already) because you KNOW there is so much more available for you to step into.



Personal Empowerment: Discover the blocks that hold you back and learn how to shatter them.

Effective Strategies: Receive actionable steps to position yourself as a sought-after leader in your field.

Community Support: Engage with a community of like-minded women, all on a journey to elevate their presence and impact.

Real Results: The techniques you'll learn have been tried and tested, designed to bring tangible shifts in your life and business.

A Launchpad: Use this challenge as a powerful springboard into my certification program, a deeper dive into the world of embodied leadership.

As women, we have been conditioned in many ways to stay small, to keep quiet, to blend in.

But that's not our truth.

Within each of us lies a courageous leader waiting to be unveiled. A leader who doesn't wait for opportunities but creates them.

A leader who knows her infinite worth and isn't afraid to claim her space in the world.

It's time to stop hiding and holding back your magic (even if you've built a level of success already) because you KNOW there is so much more available for you to step into.

The Experience:


Training 1: Awakening Your Inner Leader - so that you can lead yourself and others from a place of embodied, grounded energy and radical self trust. Together we will break down barriers (like imposter syndrome) so that you can cultivate unwavering confidence to step into the next level of your soul mission

Training 2: Expanding Your Capacity As A Facilitator - Get comfortable with evolving your business model to work with clients in deeper ways, hold space for more clients in your programs/events without pushing away your desires from fear of responsibility, burnout or client drama

Training 3: Courageous Visibility For Stepping into the Spotlight - Stop feeling like the best kept secret and learn how to harness your newfound confidence and mastery to gain the visibility that will make you a sought-after facilitator

PLUS: Receive access to an interactive group call with me for a DOJO style session where we anchor in your upgraded Courage Codes... together through real-time implementation, discussion and activation! (Will be recorded)

PLUS: Connect with and learn from the other women inside through their shares and questions with the opportunity to contribute to the space - including to receive laser coaching from Jenna throughout. The group will be open for 10 days giving extra time for Q&A.

The Experience:



  • Training 1: Awakening Your Inner Leader - so that you can lead yourself and others from a place of embodied, grounded energy and radical self trust. Together we will break down barriers (like imposter syndrome) so that you can cultivate unwavering confidence to step into the next level of your soul mission
  • Training 2: Expanding Your Capacity As A Facilitator - Get comfortable with evolving your business model to work with clients in deeper ways, hold space for more clients in your programs/events without pushing away your desires from fear of responsibility, burnout or client drama
  • Training 3: Courageous Visibility For Stepping into the Spotlight - Stop feeling like the best kept secret and learn how to harness your newfound confidence and mastery to gain the visibility that will make you a sought-after facilitator

...For Only $33! 🤯

(Limited time)


 Lets co-create a reality where you're not just part of the crowd, but the one leading it.


The world needs your light, your passion, and your leadership.


It's time to step up and stand out, which is why I've made this an accessible and NO BRAINER experience for you to join us!

What You Receive...

x3 Video Trainings (Pre-Recorded, Yours To Keep Forever)


Implementation Exercises & Integration Reflections


Total Value: PRICELESS

Regular Price: $111




This is for you if you're ready to...


Stop second-guessing yourself and wavering on your mission.


Harness your unique strengths and shine unapologetically.


Have a business that is set-up to support your growth as a leader and facilitator.


Discover the exact things that have supported me growing a 7+ figure new earth business (they aren't what you think)!


Shift from feeling overlooked to being fully booked, building a thriving business and a legacy.


See you inside!?