The Embodied Facilitator™: Starting October 2023!

The Embodied Facilitator™: Starting October 2023!



the art of facilitation for high-ticket 1:1 and sold-out group programs.



Learn to confidently scale your offers to serve more people, deliver exceptional 

client results... and 3-5x your monthly revenue.


Join Now!



the art of facilitation for high-ticket 1:1 and sold-out group 




Learn to confidently 

scale your offers to serve more people, deliver 


client results... and 3-5x your monthly revenue.



Join Now!

Facilitate Deep

Life Altering Transformations With Your Clients With World Class Offers

Be Confident

In Your Leadership With Unwavering In The Devotion To Self Mastery

Create Limitless

Sustainable Business Growth As A Sought Out Leader In Your Field

You are called to create waves of change in the world with your gifts while experiencing limitless wealth.


So… what’s holding you back?


  • You are GREAT at what you do, but you are wavering in your confidence because you don’t fully trust yourself to stand in your true power as a leader in your field (imposter syndrome may be sneaking in)
  • You seem to be hitting a glass ceiling in your business and haven't been able to breakthrough into higher realms of cashflow and clients even though you know it is directly related to refining your offers to confidently sell more premium 1:1 packages and/or scalable group experiences
  • You have been too focused on selling #allthethings that you haven't focused much on building in the referrals, renewals and retention in your business to stack MRR (monthly recurring revenue) that comes with refining your approach and simplifying your business for sustainable growth
  • You have STUDIED lots of modalities, however you feel you aren't owning your own unique methodology and approach within your business to be a true authority
  • You've been settling and working with clients you've outgrown or spending too much time in a session based model... even though you desire to attract higher caliber, true SOUL clients who want to go deep AF
  • You've been buying into the story that you need a huge audience to take your business to new dimensions and to be credible... instead of focusing on claiming your space as an expert
  • You have gotten COMFORTABLE in the current way(s) you work with clients and holding space for *more* clients in bigger groups... intimidates you, because highest vision means you will working with a LOT more clients
  • You sometimes feel nervous about running group experiences because you worry about managing the group dynamics... and saying the right thing. You want your clients to leave happy (but also the idea of asking them how they found the session is terrifying)

If you're nodding your head any of these, you are in the right place.


You are ready to be embodied in your magic while naturally magnetizing soul aligned clients with a LOT more ease.

You are called to create waves of change in the world with your gifts while experiencing limitless wealth.


So… what’s holding you back?


  • You are GREAT at what you do, but you are wavering in your confidence because you don’t fully trust yourself to stand in your true power as a leader in your field (imposter syndrome may be sneaking in)
  • You seem to be hitting a glass ceiling in your business and haven't been able to breakthrough into higher realms of cashflow and clients even though you know it is directly related to refining your offers to confidently sell more premium 1:1 packages and/or scalable group experiences
  • You have been too focused on selling #allthethings that you haven't focused much on building in the referrals, renewals and retention in your business to stack MRR (monthly recurring revenue) that comes with refining your approach and simplifying your business for sustainable growth
  • You have STUDIED lots of modalities, however you feel you aren't owning your own unique methodology and approach within your business to be a true authority
  • You've been settling and working with clients you've outgrown or spending too much time in a session based model... even though you desire to attract higher caliber, true SOUL clients who want to go deep AF
  • You've been buying into the story that you need a huge audience to take your business to new dimensions and to be credible... instead of focusing on claiming your space as an expert
  • You have gotten COMFORTABLE in the current way(s) you work with clients and holding space for *more* clients in bigger groups... intimidates you, because highest vision means you will working with a LOT more clients
  • You sometimes feel nervous about running group experiences because you worry about managing the group dynamics... and saying the right thing. You want your clients to leave happy (but also the idea of asking them how they found the session is terrifying)


If you're nodding your head any of these, you are in the right place.


You are ready to be embodied in your magic while naturally magnetizing soul aligned clients with a LOT more ease.



For conscious practitioners to take themselves, their skills and their business to new dimensions.

This is you:

You’re a conscious, service based leader  ready to expand your skills, brand and cash-flow!

You’ve been growing your soul-based business for a few cycles now and have a big mission on your heart.

You might be a newer coach, who is transitioning to full time or established and ready to elevate.

You’re a gifted coach or healer who is ready for your next levels of mastery, activation and initiation.

You have training and experience in the modalities/areas you focus on with your clients.

You desire to take them into maximum transformation in safe, sacred containers with a trauma informed approach.

You’re someone who sees herself as a leader and you desire to deepen your leadership capacity.

You take ownership and self responsibility and are ready for exponential growth.

It's clear to you that now is the time to commit to becoming the best version of yourself and the best leader for your community.

Just Imagine…

Feeling lit AF in your business because you are confident, unwavering in your gifts and magnetic to soul clients.

Where people consistently seek YOU out because you are highly recommended by others and they feel a deep resonance to you and your work.

Having total trust in yourself, your skillset and ability to serve even more clients at a much deeper level - without the fear of burning out or letting anyone down.

When you shut your eyes, you can envision the multitude of individuals you were destined to assist on this Earth.

You can sense the thrill intensifying within your being as you picture your impact rippling through the collective to transform lives.

You find a hidden joy in imagining the abundant wealth you can accumulate... simply by doing more of what you LOVE.

It’s available to you now, sister.

It can happen without having to infuse ANY outdated coaching techniques, unethical business practices or the hustle burnout inducing mentality that is ready to be dissolved from this industry.

You CAN take your transformational offers to the next level and create raving, life long fans who share you and your work on repeat!

Just Imagine…


Feeling lit AF in your business because you are confident, unwavering in your gifts and magnetic to soul clients.

Where people consistently seek YOU out because you are highly recommended by others and they feel a deep resonance to you and your work.

Having total trust in yourself, your skillset and ability to serve even more clients at a much deeper level - without the fear of burning out or letting anyone down.

When you shut your eyes, you can envision the multitude of individuals you were destined to assist on this Earth.

You can sense the thrill intensifying within your being as you picture your impact rippling through the collective to transform lives.

You find a hidden joy in imagining the abundant wealth you can accumulate... simply by doing more of what you LOVE.

It’s available to you now, sister.

It can happen without having to infuse ANY outdated coaching techniques, unethical business practices or the hustle burnout inducing mentality that is ready to be dissolved from this industry.

You CAN take your transformational offers to the next level and create raving, life long fans who share you and your work on repeat!


This experience is an

activator and accelerator 

and is the premier certification program for the new paradigm of women’s leadership and conscious facilitation.


Upon completion of The Embodied Facilitator™, you become a Soul Meets Strategy® certified facilitator.

This ten week long program has been intentionally designed for female practitioners in the coaching/healing space to experience the highest levels of business expansion while embodying the deepest levels of leadership and mastering the art of facilitation so you can sell more premium 1:1 experiences with you and/or scale your group offers (courses, group programs, masterminds and events) to new heights.

You will become courageous and confident in your truth, expressing it fully within yourself and your business so that you no longer downplay your magic or settle in your business.

This is the space where you step into the next level of your life, your leadership and your contribution to the collective as a new earth feminine leader on a soul mission.

This certification is the synergized blend of coaching skills, emotional intelligence, shadow exploration and integration, embodied leadership, signature offer design, business ethics and space holding that you’ve been calling in.

What makes this different from other group programs and certifications is the fact it's unlike *ANYTHING* else out there.

This is designed to bridge the skills, business model, leadership and embodiment gaps that are unique to you and your path... so that you can become free within yourself as a leader in your business and soul mission. 


This experience is an

activator and accelerator 

and is the premier certification program for the new paradigm of women’s leadership and conscious facilitation.


Upon completion of The Embodied Facilitator™, you become a Soul Meets Strategy® certified facilitator.

This ten week long program has been intentionally designed for female practitioners in the coaching/healing space to experience the highest levels of business expansion while embodying the deepest levels of leadership and mastering the art of facilitation so you can sell more premium 1:1 experiences with you and/or scale your group offers (courses, group programs, masterminds and events) to new heights.

You will become courageous and confident in your truth, expressing it fully within yourself and your business so that you no longer downplay your magic or settle in your business.

This is the space where you step into the next level of your life, your leadership and your contribution to the collective as a new earth feminine leader on a soul mission.

This certification is the synergized blend of coaching skills, emotional intelligence, shadow exploration and integration, embodied leadership, signature offer design, business ethics and space holding that you’ve been calling in.

What makes this different from other group programs and certifications is the fact it's unlike *ANYTHING* else out there.

This is designed to bridge the skills, business model, leadership and embodiment gaps that are unique to you and your path... so that you can become free within yourself as a leader in your business and soul mission. 


What Others Are Saying


"Every coach, healer or therapist NEEDS to go through this program.

It is a beautiful combination of business support and growth as well as you will grow and deepen your skills and knowledge as a practitioner. I wish this program existed when I started out as a business owner, as I would have avoided many mistakes, but at the same time taking the course right now when I’m a few years into my business… has deepened my knowledge and put things into a new perspective. Thanks to this program, I grew as a coach, business owner, therapist and also as a person. This has been such a gift. Jenna doesn't hold back and as always gives her all.”

Stepanka Kuralova

Hypnotherapist & Women’s Empowerment Coach

 “This program helped me increase my confidence in my business and the work I do with my clients.

I have felt I can go so much deeper and get much better results with my clients after this program! I had my biggest earning months to date in this program and it continues to grow since. I often refer back to the vast array of information shared.

I definitely leveled up so huge in this program and am SO thankful. The support coach insights were such an added bonus to be able to receive different perspectives and ideas.”

Kristi Mcleod

Healer & Life Coach

 “Partaking in the Soul Meets Strategy Certification program was literally everything I've been deeply craving and longing for when it comes to receiving epic support in running my business and stepping into deeper & bolder leadership as a coach and healer.

Pretty quick into the modules I realized the content and topics we were working through were the exact missing links to me stepping deeper into the true embodiment of my magic - as both a business owner and New Earth leader.

The program itself was incredibly thorough, thoughtful and holistic. I felt extremely taken care of all the way through, and literally no stone was left unturned when it came to being led in deepening into masterful facilitation, driving client results and creating massive impact with your online presence - all in a way that actually FEELS GOOD. This program really helped me break new frontiers in finally ditching the need to struggle/sacrifice myself for success.

It also supported me in literally redefining and upgrading my brand and business 3 times over - it was all super activating, elevating and liberating. I couldn't recommend this program highly enough! Answer the call sister - your soul and the world will thank you for it."

Maryna Ninovska

Shadow Work & Spiritual Mentor



I am Jenna Faye Madden, soul evolution guide, new earth architect, and 7-figure leadership and business mentor, passionately focused on empowering conscious female entrepreneurs.

As the CEO of Soul Meets Strategy®, my life's work revolves around guiding you—visionary female leaders—onto your highest timelines, helping you fully embody your unique magic and scale your soul-centered businesses sustainably.

When you can do this, you stand out on a whole new level, you sell out offers with ease and you magnetize soul-aligned clients who are ready to create lasting results.

After almost a decade of immersing myself in the field of leadership, business, and spiritual development with $200K+ invested in my own growth and helped hundreds of women on their path.

I’ve developed a revolutionary alchemical experience that meets you where you are at as a coach/healer and then initiates you into the leader you were born to be.

My intention is to empower a new generation of potent female leaders in accelerating their soul mission. If you’re ready to step into greater wealth, attract your soulmate clients, and integrate an effortless flow into your business, you're in the right place.

Ready to go deeper than ever with your clients while anchoring in a

 highly successful

 coaching business that flows?

Ready to go deeper than ever with your clients while anchoring in a

 highly successful

 coaching business that flows?

When you are fully expressed in your unique magic and believe in the results you facilitate… your marketing and sales become almost effortless.

You don’t need to over-promise (ick) or over-deliver (200 bonuses anyone?).

Not when your results speak for themselves.  

Your business becomes easier. You get to shift your focus to things like expanding your team, developing systems and leading more clients in their transformation!


When you allow yourself to be seen for the new earth feminine leader that you are - charging for the value of your work becomes easier and getting more visible is less daunting.

You transcend past all the noise of the online space.

Your people are magnetized to the embodiment of your magic and are honoured to work with you.

Because you deserve a business that works for you and allows clients to receive maximum transformation in your containers.

The Support Squad

Here To Serve You:

The Support Squad

Here To Serve You:

Jenna Faye Madden​​

I am the lead coach and creator of the Certification where I've infused my knowledge and experience in the realms of masterful facilitation, transformational coaching and wealth energetics plus ethical and sustainable business.

Stepanka Kuralova

Stepanka is a hypnotherapist, coach female leaders and light workers and is the founder of the New Earth Woman brand. She specializes in emotional alchemy, self liberation, reprogramming your mind and self empowerment.

More Client Shares


"I used to have trouble valuing myself and what I do and needing to prove my worth...

Working with Jenna has allowed me to set clear boundaries, have systems in place and still be in my feminine and authentic self.

Jenna is honestly so much more than just a business coach!

She lovingly called me forward out of my comfort zone without pushing or forcing me. I quickly went from mostly one off sessions to signing paid in full coaching clients! All while feeling confident and in alignment with my zone of genius.

She has held deep space for my vision and truly saw my magic before I even saw it in myself. 

Teresa Brenneman

Human Design Mentor

"Intuitively I knew my business was ready for the next level. Financially the investment was a stretch...

But I knew the universe always provides. In this case my business skyrocketed while working with Jenna.

The strategy is freaking epic, but even more so is the genuine heart and soul that goes on behind the scenes.

The numbers certainly quantify and I made back my full 5 figure investment in less than 2 months and went on to do my first 50K+ launch!

Since working together I've gone on to become a best selling author and have a 1M+ business”

Libby Robertson

Galactic Business Coach

The High Level Components Of The Program

Training Materials

You will receive weekly pre-recorded training content (8 total modules) to support your evolution and embodiment as a facilitator. This includes video trainings, integrative embodiment practices and more that you can move through at your own pace.

You will have lifetime access to all content shared within the program! 

This is where you master premium 1:1 offers and scaling epic group programs for limitless cashflow creation...

As you receive the foundational and advanced skills, techniques and tools that only the most effective practitioners, coaches & facilitators use to co-create EPIC and sustainable change with their clients.

This includes learning my proprietary facilitation methods that I've cultivated after 7+ years of coaching/healing sessions and in person and local events, that has allowed me to refine my craft from supporting hundreds of women.

Live Support

Here you will be guided into the application component of this program.

You will get to apply the Soul Meets Strategy® facilitation processes into your business in real-time... with a supportive structure to deepen your skills to expertly co-create high-level, lasting client results in a sustainable way.  

These weekly interactive integration calls will have real time exercises, discussion and some role play.

Plus will have opportunities for personalized hot seat style coaching to get your questions answered so you can apply what you are learning, your way into YOUR business. 

The Practicum

Built into this program is a simple but powerful practicum experience to establish deep confidence in your ability to help co-create transformation.

This practicum is designed to help you integrate and apply these practices into your own business without creating overwhelm or too much of a time commitment...

So you can still focus on what matters most: continuing to grow and run your business while facilitating epic client transformations.


The High Level Journey Of The Program

Training Materials

You will receive weekly pre-recorded training content (8 total modules) to support your evolution and embodiment as a facilitator. This includes video trainings, integrative embodiment practices and more that you can move through at your own pace.

You will have lifetime access to all content shared within the program! 

This is where you master premium 1:1 offers and scaling epic group programs for limitless cashflow creation...

As you receive the foundational and advanced skills, techniques and tools that only the most effective practitioners, coaches & facilitators use to co-create EPIC and sustainable change with their clients.

This includes learning my proprietary facilitation methods that I've cultivated after 7+ years of coaching/healing sessions and in person and local events, that has allowed me to refine my craft from supporting hundreds of women.

Live Support

Here you will be guided into the application component of this program.

You will get to apply the Soul Meets Strategy® facilitation processes into your business in real-time... with a supportive structure to deepen your skills to expertly co-create high-level, lasting client results in a sustainable way.  

These weekly interactive integration calls will have real time exercises, discussion and some role play.

Plus will have opportunities for personalized hot seat style coaching to get your questions answered so you can apply what you are learning, your way into YOUR business. 

The Practicum

Built into this program is a simple but powerful practicum experience to establish deep confidence in your ability to help co-create transformation.

This practicum is designed to help you integrate and apply these practices into your own business without creating overwhelm or too much of a time commitment...

So you can still focus on what matters most: continuing to grow and run your business while facilitating epic client transformations.


Weekly Content Preview:

  • WEEK 1: Onboarding Week - Opening Ceremony and setting you up for success inside the program while you meet the other incredible women on this journey with you!
  • WEEK 2: Embodied Leadership - Becoming courageous and confident in who you came here to be... while activating your power and potential as a facilitator, so you can trust yourself more as you increase your soul client magnetism + capacity to serve.

  • WEEK 3: Transformational Offers - Taking your magic & creating + refining your signature programs and processes within an upgraded business model that is designed for sustainability, scalability (meaning it's set up to handle an increased volume of clients) & maximized client results. This is where we will tweak your premium private offer(s) and fine tune your group offer(s) (courses, group programs, masterminds and events) so you can confidently serve more people and amplify your cashflow.

  • WEEK 4: How To Fast Track Your Soul Led Business -Together we will bridge your offers and elevated business model and translate that into a CLEAR message (no matter how multi dimensional you are) so you can take bold action to create momentum + growth in your business WHILE we journey deeper into this program together.

  • WEEK 5: Emotional Alchemy - Learn how to Navigate your own emotions and triggers as a leader... as you upgrade your own ability to confidently support clients through THEIR process, even if they are moving through heavy energy.

  • WEEK 6: Integration Week - Space to reflect, catch up (if needed) and feel empowered for the 2nd half of the journey 
  • WEEK 7: Masterful Facilitation & Deeper Client Relationships -Dive into the art of intuitive, impactful sessions, finding the balance between structure and fluidity. Learn how to go deeper with your clients without rigid structure while you leave the performance anxiety to "get things right" at the door. Learn why people sabotage themselves and gain a deeper inner-standing of body centered facilitation (somatics).

  • WEEK 8: Powerful Client Journey - Learn how to create world class on-boarding and off-boarding experiences for your clients... while increasing your overall retention, renewals & referrals. Learn how to increase your program completion rates and discover how to keep your clients engaged!
  • WEEK 9: Elevated Group Facilitation - Integrate the principles of effective group dynamics for your online programs and events. Understanding group behavior, groupthink, decision-making within groups and conflict resolution can be crucial for a master facilitator to allow for a safe, sacred and engaged space for clients to transform.
  • WEEK 10: Business Aspects Of Facilitation - Get empowered on how to effectively brand and position yourself as an expert in your field while increasing your visibility with more opportunities for clients to come into your world.

What It Means To Be

Soul Meets Strategy® Certified


As An Embodied Facilitator™

An Embodied Facilitator knows how to operate ethically while lovingly inviting her clients into deeper levels of their transformation.


An Embodied Facilitator knows how to hold sacred & safe space for an ever expanding client base without burning out in the process.


An Embodied Facilitator knows when she is getting in her own way and how to move through the resistance to open her heart to receive highly aligned soul clients


An Embodied Facilitator knows how to confidently guide her clients to LASTING "omg I'll never be the same" results.


An Embodied Facilitator knows how to infuse her magic, wisdom and love into her business... instead of looking outside of herself for answers.


An Embodied Facilitator knows how to step into her feminine power and rock sold-out, successful launches without sabotaging herself in the process.


An Embodied Facilitator knows how to break free of individual, collective and ancestral wounds holding her and her community back from their next levels.


An Embodied Facilitator is a woman who builds real-ationships with her community and clients.


An Embodied Facilitator is a guide, a mentor, a leader, a coach, a healer whose community remembers her and respects her.


Her clients have deep love for her and her mentorship. They value her time. Her clients are thrilled to share her programs with their ecosystems.

So, What Do You Receive When You Say YES To

The Embodied Facilitator™?!


  • x8 Live interactive calls with opportunities to practice integrative leadership embodiment and masterful facilitation exercises in a supportive space with personalized coaching & business mentorship opportunities on each call (including all recordings)

  • Community support in our private members only group to discuss and practice with other women in the program. This is our virtual classroom for connection, coaching and sharing insights. (Jenna and her team checks in and answers questions directly in the FB group M-F)

  • Lifetime access to the online portal with the curriculum including all videos, resources, integrative practices and much more support materials... to ensure a seamless program experience (Including a half way integration week so you never feel “behind”)

  • Internal and external practicum to fine-tune your facilitation mastery of your craft where you will focus on the required steps to graduate from this program which includes peer review, self reflection & client feedback (you get additional time beyond the 10 weeks to complete these steps to officially receive your graduation certificate)

  • Opportunity to receive a completion Certificate and branding materials (should you want to share it on your website as a credential or print it off for your office)
  • Opening and Closing Virtual Ceremonies hosted by Jenna for intention setting and sharing


  • x8 Live interactive calls with opportunities to practice integrative leadership embodiment and masterful facilitation exercises in a supportive space with personalized coaching & business mentorship opportunities on each call (including all recordings)

  • Community support in our private members only group to discuss and practice with other women in the program. This is our virtual classroom for connection, coaching and sharing insights. (Jenna and her team checks in and answers questions directly in the FB group M-F)

  • Lifetime access to the online portal with the curriculum including all videos, resources, integrative practices and much more support materials... to ensure a seamless program experience (Including a half way integration week so you never feel “behind”)

  • Internal and external practicum to fine-tune your facilitation mastery of your craft where you will focus on the required steps to graduate from this program which includes peer review, self reflection & client feedback (you get additional time beyond the 10 weeks to complete these steps to officially receive your graduation certificate)

  • Opportunity to receive a completion Certificate and branding materials (should you want to share it on your website as a credential or print it off for your office)
  • Opening and Closing Virtual Ceremonies hosted by Jenna for intention setting and sharing


Coaching Templates & Resources 

Value: $3333

You will receive a variety of coaching tools, checklists and reflection prompts that you can use in your programs/client sessions to confidently support your community.

Plus a vault of business resources such as lead generation tracking, revenue projections and social media swipe files.

Virtual Immersion

Value: $1111

Receive access to one of my immersive virtual retreat experiences this year. These are designed to open your wealth channels and strategically plan out your next cycle in business for success.

This is a ceremony of sisterhood connection with fellow new earth feminine leaders, as well as an opportunity to go deeper into your vision!

Best Year Yet Online 


Value: $555

This is a self-study audio transmission & journal prompt-based program designed to help you figure out your next level of vision, identity and strategy to move your business forward this year.

Inside we cover topics such as successful launches, how to make powerful decisions, mastering money alignment and easeful content creation!



Join Today


Investment Options:


One Payment:


Save $334 when you pay in full


Monthly Payments:


For a total of 3 payments


Doors close Oct 29, 2023.









What Others Are Saying


“I recently had my 4th sold out launch while working with Jenna!

I crossed 6 figures and since then have gone on to multiple 6 figures. I've successfully opened an additional segment by adding a publishing house to my business.

Best of all it's been generally easy with minimal marketing required.

Especially considering I was pregnant while we worked together!”


Tarsh Ashwin

CEO of Ashwin Publishing

“I love her approach to accountability and depth. It's helped me tremendously with my private session's, group healings and events.

Working with Jenna allowed me to receive the support I was lacking. It's given me the grounding to create a solid 5 figure a month business.

Cannot recommend her highly enough and I am SO glad that I upgraded into her high level mastermind, The Catalyst!”


Jodi Friedman

Reiki Master & Healer

“Jenna is a powerhouse at holding space for your rise.

She gently but firmly guides and supports you on all levels to step into being an abundant CEO and masterful facilitator.

She works with integrity and is a wise leadership coach with TONs of practical information to structure your business in an effective way. Jenna goes all in and becomes your biggest ally in your expansive.

My business has tripled what it made last year plus I have shred my hustle mode and now work from a more embodied goddess standpoint. I highly recommend her to reach your business goals, sustainably, your way.”

Brenda Soulfire

Shamanic Healer & Crystal Reiki Master

So is this for 


  • You want to be the best of the best. And you understand that this takes commitment and time/energy/financial investment.
  • You consider yourself a true professional. You are always learning and care about being a true expert in your field.
  • You care about the results that you create for your clients more than the image you portray through your branding/marketing.
  • You desire to focus on being a conscious CEO and practitioner of your magic… with less time needed for marketing and sales.
  • You want to transform lives. You understand that this means you have an unwavering commitment to your own personal growth and expansion - always.
  • You'll be investing in your professional and personal development for as long as you do what you do because the journey never ends and there is always deeper to go.
  • You KNOW that the strategy for a thriving coaching business is transformational results... that speak for themselves. Which creates renewals, referrals, partnerships and more on repeat.


Because we have full confidence in the power of this program, and we know that you 
will experience both personal and professional transformation through our certification, we offer this guarantee:

If you do not make back your investment from this program within 6 months of graduating after fully showing up, we will provide you with a deep dive 1-1 coaching call with an expert Soul Meets Strategy Coach who can help you troubleshoot & optimize your business strategy for lasting success.


Want to make sure you’re a fit and get some additional questions answered?





Doors close October 29, 2023.

We’re filling up quickly for this round and have limited spots available to keep it intimate and hands on.

If you’re ready to take the next step in elevating yourself, your business, your community and humanity to the next level…




You are wrapping up the year as we move into the highest sales months (Dec + Jan + Feb) and you're feeling the best you have EVER felt in your business.

You are magnetizing soul aligned clients into offers that you feel 10/10 about with the capacity to receive them without hesitation because you KNOW you are set up to serve and scale.

  • You feel on purpose with a fire in your belly that is propelling you forward on your mission
  • You are no longer hiding just how incredible you are and you feel safe to take up hella more space
  • Business feels simple because you are finally, fully being yourself and trusting your process - your client results speak for themselves
  • You confidently can meet clients where they are at without performance anxiety or fear of burnout - in fact you're comfortable to double or triple your client load (and cash-flow) in this next season
  • You know you can evolve without limits because you're confident your business isn’t going to crumble.  It’s rock solid with a community that loves you for YOU..

You've become an Embodied Facilitator on your highest path and are architecting exceptional client results.

This is the invitation to step fully into your full power as a feminine leader… while being able to go deeper into transformation with your clients.

Client Shares

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More Shares...

If you’re still reading this, it’s because energetically you’re a YES for this experience.

The only thing left to do is make the commitment to say YES to yourself.

Are you ready to embark on this journey Sister?

If you’ve gotten this far and are feeling the full body yes, then I invite you to sign up below!

I can’t wait to welcome you into the next class of The Embodied Facilitator™ so you can become Soul Meets Strategy® Certified.


Jenna Faye Madden